How would operating from a mindset of abundance versus scarcity enable us to transition towards a regenerative economy?
Living in predominately extractive economies, we’ve all seen the consequences of prioritizing profit over people and planet: a workforce exploited and unprotected, and an environment suffering from one disaster after another. Extractive businesses take, take, and take from their surroundings until there’s nothing left, leaving our communities and resources barren.
Scarcity thinking is the source of this reality – the belief that there’s never enough time, money, or opportunity. Fueling competition over collaboration and short-term wins over long-term resilience, it creates a system rooted in burnout, mistrust, and above all, greed.
But what if businesses operated from a mindset of abundance – the idea that value grows when it’s shared?
We see this shift happening: companies investing in long-term partnerships instead of one-off transactions and designing business models around sharing resources instead of hoarding them – ensuring they flow where they’re needed most.
The damage done by extractive systems shows up everywhere. But it’s not beyond hope. Not if we come together, as a collective, to reimagine the way we do business. The answer is shifting toward regenerative practices – not just as an ethical choice, but as a survival strategy.
So, how is scarcity shaping your decisions? And what might change if you moved toward abundance?
Lean into your growth edge
Edgerunners operate at the forefront of change and innovation, nurturing ecosystems that regenerate in collaboration with the people and forces around them.
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